Ageing Driver

The Ageing Driver (ADI Training Course)

Course Background


Whilst age should not be seen as a barrier to driving, many conditions that often occur with age can compromise the safety of the driver and other road users.  The challenges faced by older drivers are complex, with few instructors receiving training on these issues as part of their ADI training. In 2019 Road Safety GB was awarded funding to develop and evaluate a training course for Approved Driving Instructors (ADI) and Potential Driving Instructors (PDI).  This course is now recognised under the DVSA’s accreditation scheme.

Several local authorities deliver some form of older driver support scheme but often struggle to recruit ADIs who have the specialist knowledge needed to support older drivers. To address this, ADIs who complete this course will be asked if they would like to have their name and contact details added to a list that is available to local government road safety officers.

Course learning outcomes

To develop an ADI’s understanding of:

  • Common collisions experienced by older drivers
  • How the ageing process may impact on:
    • Eyesight
    • Hazard perceptions skills
    • Strength and flexibility
  • The need to promote self-assessment skills
  • The role of diabetes
  • How to prepare for driving retirement
  • Professional boundaries.

Who should attend the course?

The course is ideal for any Approved Driving Instructor or Potential Driving Instructor who wishes to learn more about how to support an older driver and who has limited experience in this area.


The course is delivered online, as 2 x 2.5-hour facilitator-led sessions, usually commencing at 18.00 and ending at 20.30. As well as the two facilitated sessions, participants are required to complete two e-learning modules covering diabetes and how to develop an older driver’s self-evaluation skills.

Course fee

£79 (plus VAT)

Please note: payment must be made at the time of booking to secure your place on the course.

Course date(s)

24th (Part 1) & 31st (Part 2) March 2025
Delivered via Zoom
Book this course

Please note - numbers are limited to 20 attendees on each course