Behavioural Change – two–day course

Course fees

£275 for Road Safety GB Academy members (plus VAT)
 for non-members (plus VAT)

Scroll to the foot of the page for current course dates and venues.

“It’s an understatement to say the course has been beneficial, I’d say it’s been transformational in helping me tackle behaviour change projects.”
Simon Ransley, Creative Strategist at Storycatchers (brand communication agency)


This two-day course has been introduced following feedback from students who attended the previous one-day course, which this course replaces. The course covers:

· Understanding road user behaviour
· Behavioural models
· Behavioural change techniques
· Behavioural insights
· Mapping behaviours
· Developing interventions using behavioural models and change techniques.

The course will also provide participants with several planning tools that can be used to review and develop interventions.

Background to course

Behavioural change is key in making significant improvements to the way people use our roads, and in making significant reductions in road related incidents and injuries.

It is estimated that around 95% of all road traffic collisions are due to road user error. These errors may be due to a range of issues including lack of experience, observational issues, distraction, the influence of others, or the influence of substances. Qualified drivers and riders are deemed to have the basic skills required to drive safely, as they have demonstrated their skills through a driving or riding test. Many hundreds and thousands of children are now trained in safer cycling and safer walking. So why are so many people involved in road related collisions that are down to human error?

Many road safety interventions are based around improving road user skills. However, there are other factors that must be considered such as social context, personality, and journey related issues that cause road users to fail to cope with their environment.

What and how we teach in road safety is extremely important if we are to ensure we do not create unintended consequences with our road using public. This course explores how we as human beings create our own realities based on our experiences, how we make decisions, how we interpret messages, how we need to deal with conflicting multiple attitudes, how we are often in conflict with our own beliefs, and how we are influenced by many other factors.

The course is designed to give road safety practitioners an insight into the world of behavioural change models and techniques, and how interventions can be developed that will look at the underlying issues associated with risk related  behaviour, and ultimately collisions.

Experienced as well as new road safety practitioners will benefit from this two-day course, which can be used as a pre-cursor to, or an extension of, the Road Safety Practitioner Foundation Course.

Learning will be assessed by completion of an assessment task, to be returned within 4-weeks of course completion.  

Who should attend this course?

Any road safety practitioner who develops and delivers behavioural change interventions related to safety and/or modal change. The course will be of particular interest to road safety officers, fire and rescue staff, driving instructors and other related professions.

More information

For more information and/or to have a one-to-one discussion about the content of the course please contact:

Ian Edwards T: 07891 903749

Date(s) for the course

12-13 May 2025
Delivered via Zoom
Book this course

In addition, courses can be delivered for groups on request – contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112.

Invoicing, payment & cancellation

  • Delegate fees are due payable upon booking unless a valid Purchase Order is provided and accepted.
  • For online bookings paid at the time of booking, invoices/receipts will be issued electronically on completion of the booking.
  • Please issue Purchase Orders to ‘Road Safety GB International’ and forward via email to:
  • Invoices will be issued and sent via email and must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date or no later than one working day prior to the start of the course, whichever date occurs soonest (the“due date”).
  • Payment must be made in pounds Sterling by cheque, credit/debit card or BACS, using the details on the invoice.
  • For more information please contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112.

*About Zoom
Zoom is a leading on-line training platform which offers a wide range of interactive tools to enhance the learning experience.  One key advantage is that Zoom easily facilitates group-based discussion, increasing the interaction between participants.  For this reason, Road Safety GB prefers to use Zoom when possible.  While some organisations do not allow their employees to have the full version of the Zoom software installed on their computers, this does not always mean that a participant cannot access an online event via their browser,   We therefore recommend that anyone who is concerned about their ability to access an event on Zoom speaks directly to their IT provider to identify if they allow browser access.

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