Course fees
£195 for Road Safety GB Academy members (plus VAT)
£350 for non-members (plus VAT)
Interested in hosting this course in your area?
Click here for more information or contact Sally Bartrum, Academy Administrator, on 01379 650112.
This two day course covers a range of topics including: Road safety in context; what is evidence?; Provenance; The STATS19 standard; Understanding the limitations; Interpretation; Counts and rates; Population and traffic; The network dimension; Spatial analysis; Route analysis; The people dimension; Residency and socio demographic factors; Contributory factors
The course content includes hands-on assignments working with road safety data, a satisfactory level of skills in Microsoft Excel is a prerequisite for attendance. Potential attendees who are unsure if they meet this criterion should check the following list of Excel skills:
- Enter, edit and autofill values
- Number and text formatting
- Save workbooks
- Insert and name sheets
- Insert columns
- Copy and paste ranges
- Enter arithmetic formulas
- Fill formulas
- SUM function
- Absolute cell references
Click here to download the Excel self-assessment sheet to ensure you comply with the above requirements. The completed assessment can be sent to bruce.walton@agilysis.co.uk for review.
Learning will be assessed by completion of an assessment task, to be returned within 4-weeks of course completion.
Course dates and venues
There are no current dates for this course.
Invoicing, payment & cancellation
- Delegate fees are due payable upon booking unless a valid Purchase Order is provided and accepted.
- For online bookings paid at the time of booking, invoices/receipts will be issued electronically on completion of the booking.
- Please issue Purchase Orders to 'Road Safety GB International’ and forward via email to: rsgbcourseinv@gmail.com.
- Invoices will be issued and sent via email and must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date or no later than one working day prior to the start of the course, whichever date occurs soonest (the“due date”).
- Payment must be made in pounds Sterling by cheque, credit/debit card or BACS, using the details on the invoice.
- For more information please contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112.